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Sermons from John

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December 26, 2021

" The Peace of Jesus " - Rev. Tanner Cline

Scripture: John 14:27

April 1, 2021

" Just as I Have Loved You " - Dr. Chris Tibbetts

Scripture: John 13:31–35

August 30, 2020

" Preserverance of the Saints " - Tanner Cline

Scripture: John 6:37, Philippians :6, Romans 8:30

August 23, 2020

" Irrestible Grace " - Tanner Cline

Scripture: John 6:37, John 6:44, John 6:63–65, Romans 8:14, Romans 8:30

August 16, 2020

"Limited Atonement" - Tanner Cline

Scripture: John 10:25–28, John 17:1–4, John 10:4, John 17:8–9

January 27, 2019

Destroy This Temple

Series: Lord's Day Sermons Scripture: John 2:14–25

January 6, 2019

What Do You Want To Be?

Series: Lord's Day Sermons Scripture: John 21:15–19

December 2, 2018

The Prophets Foretold

Series: Lord's Day Sermons Scripture: John 1:1–14

June 10, 2018

Take Up My Bones

Pastor: Dr. Chris Tibbetts Series: Lord's Day Sermons Scripture: Genesis 50:22–26, John 11:38–34

April 8, 2018

Believing in Life

Series: Lord's Day Sermons Scripture: John 20:24–31

November 12, 2017

Great Promise, Great Provision

Series: Stewardship Scripture: John 3:14–18