And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.” (Acts 2:38-39)
God takes great care throughout the scriptures to remind us of his love for the family, and it is for this reason the ARP Church loves having the family worshiping together. You and your children are invited, welcome, and encouraged to join us as we worship God each Lord's Day.
Visiting a church with children can be a nerve-wracking endeavor, and we want to serve and assist you to our best ability so that you and your family can hear and believe the great promises of God. Below you'll find some helpful information when planning your visit with us:
- We love having the soft cries and loud "whispers" accompany our worship. Your children are more than welcome join in our services. However, should you desire, we do have a nursery available for children infant through 3 years old. See one of our ushers or greeters and they can help you and your family find our nursery. You'll be greeted by one of our friendly, capable, and **qualified volunteers and staff.
- During the 11:00 am Service, there is a Children's Sermon. Children aged 4 through 2nd grade are welcome to hear a special summary of the morning's sermon. After the Children's Sermon, children are dismissed back to the pews with there parents or, should you desire, a time of Children's Worship with singing, prayer, and a lesson which will take place in the Children's Area.
- There are a number of restrooms located around the church facility, and for your convenience, both restrooms near the Fellowship Hall have changing tables.
- We have children's bulletins located at each entrance to help your child engage with the service. Feel free to make use of them - they may be helpful in reviewing the sermon with your children after church.
- If you need anything in the midst of the service, don't hesitate to see one of our ushers in the back of the sanctuary - they can help and point you in the right direction. Should you need to step out of the service, please come back! We don't mind a little fussing and fidgeting, we're just glad you're here.
**All volunteers have been approved through our Child Protection Policy, passed a background check, and thus have been cleared to work with the children of the church under the supervision of our Session.